Sunday, August 31, 2014

In Steve Craig's "Men's Men and Women's Women", different methods of advertising were discussed. According to Craig, men and women are usually targeted with specific commercials. For example, commercials for beer target men and beauty products target women. A men's men commercial has at least one male who is well-built and handsome. A men's women commercial usually has one or more "sexy" women, usually young, blonde, and wearing little clothing. Both of these are ways advertisers appeal to a specific gender through manipulation. With a women's women commercial, a woman is usually slim, busty, and has flawless skin. A women's men commercial has an attractive young male who is well-built and appears without a female.

I agree with Craig's words that men and women are targeted with different commercials. Subliminally, consumers are being fed information to draw them into a product, but sometimes, not through the product itself. Our minds are susceptible to influence, which makes us more likely to buy a certain product that is being advertised. But only if the advertising is done right. By men and women seeing themselves through other people in an advertisement, the advertising is more likely to be successful. Humans try to be the best they can be, and if a product will help them achieve this or if they see someone who is "better" than them that is using the product, they will be encouraged to purchase said product.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree that the way a product is advertised has to do with how successful it is. Like you said, we have a need to be "better" and use the best products.
